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A selection of a few favorite and popular images from the many years I have been a photographer
Stone colors, San Juan River, Telluride, COSanta Barbara beach artBack alley ColumbinesGothic Mountain and lupines, Crested ButteLady bug on wild sunflower, West Maroon PassOak leaf falls into the St Vrain River, Lyons, COSt Vrain River, Lyons, COOld Truck above Crested Butte, COCrocus on Rollins Pass,  COOrange Sneezeweed, Crested Butte, CORain and SunMount Moran reflects in the Oxbow Bend of the Snake RiverOxbow Bend of the Snake river and a platinum blue skyFlagg Ranch Road, WYFlagg Ranch Road creekAbsaroka Range in a moodThe Tetons from Spring GulchVintage Ford & snowBeaded water on a cowboy hatGarnet Canyon @ the base of the Middle and Grand